Canadian Residents

Canadian residents can donate online through
Go to:
Registered Charity Number 87426 6943 RR0001.
International Residents

MaterCare uses PayPal for online donations from international donors due to difficulties in finding an alternate means of ensuring the confidentiality of donor information. Your understanding and support is greatly appreciated while we continue to work through this challenge.
Registered Charity Number 87426 6943 RR0001.
Cheque or Money Order

Send a Cheque or Money Order to MaterCare International:
MaterCare International (Canada) Inc.
257-C LeMarchant Road
St. John’s, NL
A1E 1P8
Registered Charity Number 87426 6943 RR0001
Memorial Donations

Honour someone special by making a donation in their memory. By choosing to celebrate the life of a loved one through a memorial donation, you inspire and enable MaterCare International (Canada) to positively impact the lives of mothers, babies and their families.
You can use our online donation platform here, or print our memorial donation form to distribute. Thank you.

Donate Securities
MaterCare can now accept donations of securities in-kind in all major currencies.
​Click here to easily donate your stocks and securities here online.
Contact us for more information: 1-709-579-6472
Registered Charity Number 87426 6943 RR0001.
Canadian Tire Money

You can donate to MaterCare and it will cost you only postage. If our supporters will mail us their unwanted Canadian Tire money, we can reduce administrative costs.
Send Canadian Tire money to:
MaterCare International (Canada) Inc.
257-C LeMarchant Road
St. John’s, NL
Registered Charity Number 87426 6943 RR0001
Air Miles
You can call our office at 709-579-6472 to request a card to collect Air Miles on behalf of MaterCare.
We use these miles to reduce travel expenses for staff and volunteers to maternity projects in Africa, including travel for speaking tours and conferences promoting MaterCare’s work.
Have questions? Contact us at